Nichole sits down with Erin Blackwell, a brand photographer in Boise, Idaho to share how the two of them not only co-exist as brand photographers in the same city but actually have become best friends.
The two discuss how the healthy competition between them has strengthened their friendship and made them better businesswomen.
Follow Erin: @iamerinblackwell
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About Erin
For 11 years now, Erin has been making clients feel good about themselves and the entire photoshoot process. Her philosophy is “If you’re not having fun at your photo shoots, you’re doing it wrong!”
When she’s not shooting or reading branding & marketing books, you can find her at home in Meridian, Idaho, with her husband, 4 kids, and French Bulldog, Gus Gus.
Erin is the proud recipient of the GEM Awards for Best Photographer in 2019, as well as a multi-international award winner for her work from The Portrait Masters over the years.