In this duel release episode with “The Boise Bubble”, Natalie Plummer of Hello Meridian sits down with Frannie to talk shop. Both Natalie and Frannie are Boise entrepreneurs who occasionally get together to brain dump and manic vent.
So why not talk about Entrepreneurism (Entrepreneurship?) in this same freeform style? Ever want to know the chaos behind the appearance of success? This episode is for you. Discussing all things from coping with productivity, competition in business and a little strip club talk for good measure.
About Natalie
I’m a huge fan of entrepreneurs and small businesses. Also good conversation. So I created a career revolving around that. Hello Meridian and the Boise Bubble Podcast both have a pretty simple purpose. Showcase amazing business, happenings and people about the Treasure Valley.
A question I get a lot. How did I start in social media? Well. Let’s be honest. I lost my mind a little when I first became a mom. My first baby was VERY difficult. My husband traveled all the time. I lived in Tennessee nowhere near any family or friends. I was completely alone. I was so sleep deprived I started not being able to form words.
Literally I was starting to not be able to speak.
But I could still write. So I started to blog. I wrote about how crushingly hard motherhood was. And how amazing it was. The fear of losing myself, and the bewilderment of discovering myself. And suddenly I was one of the first mommy bloggers. I blogged for 8 years before switching to Instagram. And here we are.
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