
ep. 14 // TikTok- The Unexpected Answer To His Wildest Business Dreams

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Wedding DJ, Eric Rhodes joins Frannie to talk about his rise to fame on Tiktok. He reveals how he came up with the viral video formula that completely changed his life.

About Eric

Rhodes Entertainment was founded in 2011. His goal has always been provide a stylish and fun atmosphere for any wedding reception or party. He truly understands the importance of programming music to create a unique experience for you and your guests. He is incredibly passionate about what he does and strive to make every event run flawlessly.

Follow Eric:
TikTok: @djericrhodes
Instagram: @djericrhodes

Follow us on Instagram and Tiktok:
Instagram: @ampersand_studios | @somethingbusinessy
Tiktok: @somethingbusinessy